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Ad meliora et ad maiora semper

Working together for a sustainable future

Social justice now. Reversing environmental destruction. Measuring economic success differently.

Meliora is committed to helping individuals, small- and medium-sized enterprises, and charitable organizations make their first steps towards a more sustainable world. The United Nations has formulated 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which we, as a global community, have a responsibility to attain for current and future generations of all life on Earth. We may not actively recognize it in our daily lives, but we are the current stewards of our planet. We have a collective responsibility to eradicate extreme poverty, inequality, and oppression, and to reverse the course of climate change and loss of biodiversity.

Ad meliora et ad maiora semper

We are activists in the truest sense of the word. We believe that only by taking action, no matter how large or small, can we make our one and only planet a cleaner, healthier, and happier place to live. Not just for humans, but for all life on Earth. As a news and analysis source, we aim to shine a light on global issues covered by the 17 SDGs that otherwise would receive little coverage. Challenges that are “hidden in plain sight”.As a digital consultancy business, we help organisations determine how their activities – either directly or indirectly – impact the environment and social justice. On a tactical level, we can recommend ways organisations can improve their digital activities to be less damaging to the global ecosystem and to avoid social injustice in the digital supply chain. We are also a philanthropic organization and our areas of specific interest can be found on our activism page.

Sustainability in a digital world

Site Catalyst: Working toward a better future

We are proponents of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and making the internet more accessible. It’s baked into our approach.


Meliora was founded to provide consulting services both to individuals (B2C) and global corporations (B2B) in the realms of digital media, content management, online strategy, green computing and W3C accessibility standards.

We are pleased to provide guidance and support to individuals, charities and small companies in our home country of Belgium. We are always happy to meet new people to discuss their challenges, opportunities and ideas. Locally over a tea or coffee in Belgium, or over a video chat. Even if it’s just to exchange ideas. We are happy to network; and if we can’t directly provide a solution ourselves, our global network of partners certainly can. Please just send us an email: to get the conversation started.

Equally, we engage actively with the community. We are passionate about the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and all our work is intrinsically tied to those goals. We therefore strive for global equality and justice. We take direct action to help reverse climate change and to stamp out bigotry, nationalism and all forms of oppression.

Through our opinion channel “Flashlight” we advocate for those whose voice would otherwise be unheard.

We also engage in philanthropic activities ranging from charitable donations to volunteering to employing skilled individuals with little or no access to the global jobs market. We also provide our consulting services at a highly discounted rate or at low/no cost.
We are pleased to showcase below the causes we champion. And for us, this is always a two-way straight street. We help the organizations below in whatever way we can, but as a team, we have also directly benefited from their services, advice and friendship. 

Be a hero. Changing lives starts here.

On average, hiring a virtual assistant saves people 14.7 hours per week. That’s because a good bilingual “VA” can help with social media, graphic design, customer service, copywriting, digital marketing — or just about anything else that can be done on a computer.

But in hiring remote you’re not just making a smart business decision. You’re also changing a life.

Created as a response to the Venezuelan refugee crisis, iWorker’s mission is to help compassionate entrepreneurs hire talented remote workers from countries in crisis.

Most of their team, 65% of whom are women, support multiple family members with the income they get from working online.

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Do you have any comments or questions? Please feel free to send us a message.